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Designed for active hands to keep them in top condition. It provides long lasting protection from damage to hands, caused by repeated washing, prolonged use of latex gloves, chemicals, solvents, glues, cleansers and contact with other allergens and irritants.


Tough Hands is an advanced, multi-action treatment formula that contains skin smoothing natural Lactic Acid to exfoliate away dryness and improve skin texture and suppleness.


UREA 10% natural skin conditioner that maintains skin moisture balance and seals cracked skin.

VITAMIN E Promotes skin healing, replenishes moisture, rehydrates dry and stressed hands.

AHA’s Exfoliates and removes dead skin layers without the need for a pumice stone.

DIMETHICONE Acts as a protective coating that shields skin with a non-greasy proactive barrier which counter acts the loss of vital oils that leads to cracking and drying of skin.

SODIUM PCA Intensive moisturiser that acts in synergy with UREA and holds moisture in the skin.

LEMON MYRTLE and TEA TREE Anti-microbial agent, used to treat minor cuts and mild infections.


Made in Australia

DUIT Tough Hands Intensive Hand Repair Cream 150ml 强效修護手霜

SKU: DU001
$29.90 Regular Price
$19.90Sale Price
  • 專為主動手設計,使其保持最佳狀態。它提供持久的保護,防止因反复洗滌,長時間使用乳膠手套,化學品,溶劑,膠水,清潔劑以及接觸其他過敏原和刺激物而導致的手部損傷。


    Tough Hands是一種先進的多效護理配方,含有天然乳酸平滑肌膚,去除乾燥,改善膚質和柔軟度。


    • UREA 10% - 天然護膚品,能夠保持肌膚水分平衡,密封皮膚。
    • 維生素E - 促進皮膚癒合,補充水分,補充乾燥和緊張的雙手。
    • AHA - 去角質和去除死皮層而不需要浮石。
    • 聚二甲基矽氧烷 - 一種保護性塗層,用一種不油膩的前驅屏障保護皮膚,這種屏障可抵抗導致皮膚開裂和乾燥的重要油脂的損失。
    • 鈉 PCA - 強效保濕霜,與UREA協同作用,保持皮膚水分。
    • 檸檬桃金孃和TEA TREE - 抗微生物劑,用於治療輕微割傷和輕度感染。






    Tough Hands是一种先进的多效护理配方,含有天然乳酸平滑肌肤,去除干燥,改善肤质和柔软度。


    • UREA 10% - 天然护肤品,能够保持肌肤水分平衡,密封皮肤。
    • 维生素E - 促进皮肤愈合,补充水分,补充干燥和紧张的双手。
    • AHA - 去角质和去除死皮层而不需要浮石。
    • 聚二甲基矽氧烷 - 一种保护性涂层,用一种不油腻的前驱屏障保护皮肤,这种屏障可抵抗导致皮肤开裂和干燥的重要油脂的损失。
    • 钠 PCA - 强效保湿霜,与UREA协同作用,保持皮肤水分。
    • 柠檬桃金娘和茶树 - 抗微生物剂,用于治疗轻微割伤和轻度感染。



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